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Moving DBs from pilot setup to prod setup - steps - validation requested

T M (8878188143) | asked Sep 11 '12, 6:52 a.m.

Can someone please validate the below steps for moving DBs from pilot setup to production setup? Thanks in advance for any time spent on this.


Current setup:


            Windows 2008 Server R2

            RTC 4.0


            SQL Server DBs

            WAS on pilot-server-app

            DBs on pilot-server-db








            Windows 2008 Server R2

            RTC 4.0


            SQL Server DBs

            WAS on prod-server-app

            DBs on prod-server-db





Need to move the pilot DBs to production setup. Please note that RTC is setup in production environment with DBs. The real requirement is replace the DBs with the pilot DBs.





1.       Logon to WAS console at 9443 on pilot-server-app and stop jts, admin, clmhelp apps

2.       Logon to WAS console at 9443 on prod-server-app and stop jts, admin, clmhelp apps

3.       Logon to WAS console at 9444 on pilot-server-app and stop ccm, clmhelp  apps

4.       Logon to WAS console at 9444 on prod-server-app and stop ccm, clmhelp  apps

5.       Stop any JBE running on both pilot-server-app and prod-server-app

6.       Backup pilot DBs on pilot-server-db – JTS, CCM, DW

7.       Copy the following folders using Windows explorer (from pilot-server-app to prod-server-app):

SourceJazzInstallDir\server\conf\jts\indices                                       -> TargetJazzInstallDir\server\conf\jts

SourceJazzInstallDir\server\conf\ccm\indices                                    -> TargetJazzInstallDir\server\conf\ccm

SourceJazzInstallDir\server\conf\jts\teamserver*.properties    -> TargetJazzInstallDir\server\conf\jts  //No need to copy the files (in red) because JTS/CCM is already setup on prod-server-app server. Please comment

SourceJazzInstallDir\server\conf\ccm\teamserver*.properties -> TargetJazzInstallDir\server\conf\ccm

SourceJazzInstallDir\server\conf\admin\*       -> TargetJazzInstallDir\server\conf\admin

SourceJazzInstallDir\server\conf\admin\friends.rdf*                     -> TargetJazzInstallDir\server\conf\admin

8.       Prepare the mapping file:

On the pilot-server-app box run: …\jts\server\repotools-jts.bat –generateURLMappings toFile=mappings.txt adminUserId=tm adminPassword=******

Check the log for any error: repotools-jts-generateURLMappings.log

Review mappings.txt file for – typos in hostname, port, root contexts

                                                             source-target pair exists for every application being renamed and for the CLM Help WAR file.

                                                              Edit the target= urls for the entries that you want to rename to be the correct targets.

                                                              Review the list of affected URLs. Although the command searches for all known URLs in the deployment, it is possible that some are missed.

Refer to attached files – mappings-original.txt and mappings-modified.txt


9.       Copy the mappings.txt file (which is attached “mappings-modified.txt”) to TargetJazzInstallDir\server

10.   Rename the DBs on prod-server-db and copy the DBs (JTS, CCM, DW) from pilot-server-db to prod-server-db– using SQL Server tools

11.   On Prod-server-app: open jts/ and update the following lines:\:1433;databaseName\=jts;user\=jtsDBuser;password\={password}\:1433;databaseName\=DW;user\=dwDBuser;password\={password}



12.   Repeat step 11 for ccm/ on prod-server-app //No need to do steps 11 and 12 because JTS/CCM is already setup on prod-server-app server. Please comment

13.   On Prod-server-app server, run: repotools-jts.bat –importURLMappings fromFile=”.\mappings-modified.txt”

14.   Verify repotools-jts-importURLMappings.log

15.   Start JTS and CCM on prod-server-app

16.   Login to:    to track the progress of rename

17.   Start JTS/CCM on pilot systems //This should not cause any problem. Please comment

18.   Verify the server rename:


                General Jazz Team Server administration

                                •Log in to the Jazz Team Server Administration UI -

◦Review the home page and scan for obvious errors.

◦Hover over various links and look at the browser status bar to verify that the URLs show the new mapped URLs.

•Verify the home menu.

◦Pull down the home menu, and verify that there are no errors showing or missing entries.

◦Hover over each menu entry and verify the URLs in the browser status bar.

◦Navigate to some of the home menu entries and validate the page that you navigate to.

•Verify the Administration pages for the Jazz Team Server, Change and Configuration Management (CCM).

                For the Jazz Team Server, go to server/jts/admin and click Manage Server.

For the applications, go to server/ccm/admin.

◦In the Status Summary page, verify the text and URL links for the Public URI of the Jazz Team Server and the floating license client.

◦In the Diagnostics page, if you are renaming a staging environment, you should see errors for the Application and Friends diagnostic, if there are any servers outside the staging environment.

◦In the Registered Applications page (Jazz Team Server only), verify the discovery URLs and application status. For the application status, you should see a green check and a status of Installed.

◦In the Advanced Properties page, search for url, https://. Ensure that there are no URLs that point to pilot systems.

◦In the Friends (Outbound) page, verify the root services URI for each friend.

◦In the Whitelist (Outbound) page, verify the whitelist URLs

•If you had a Web UI theme installed, verify that it still appears correctly.



•After a server rename, start the ETLs (data collection jobs) by clicking the Run all data warehouse collection jobs for all applications from the Reports Admin page in theJazz Team Server.

•Run a few out-of-the-box reports under Reports Shared Reports and ensure that they still work.


             RTC Eclipse client

1.Update the repository connection:

a. In the Team Artifacts view, expand Repository Connections and select the particular repository connection.

b. Choose Properties from its context menu.

c. In the Jazz Repository Connection page, change the URI to the new Rational Team Concert server URI -

    You should see a dialog warning that the server state has changed and that the client must be restarted.

d. Accept the prompt to exit.

e. After it has exited, restart the client.

f. If auto-login is not selected for the connection, select Log In from the context menu for the connection.

g. Verify that the connection logs in successfully to the new server.

2.Verify links for feeds:

a.In the Team Artifacts view, expand Feeds and select a feed.

b.Choose Properties from its context menu.

c.Check the Link field.


•Navigate to your dashboards and verify that they load successfully, including all widgets coming from other servers that were renamed.

•Verify that the different types of dashboards load properly, including personal dashboards on the JTS, mini dashboard, project and team dashboards in CCM.

•Verify that the drop-down menu for the home button shows your list of personal dashboards.

•Verify that widgets with URL preferences show the updated URL if you open settings.

•Verify News Feed (for external RSS/Atom feeds) and the External Content widget (for embedding other pages).

•Verify that links in widgets have updated URLs, bookmarks, HTML, and headlines widgets.

•Add a widget to a project or team dashboard and click Save. Then refresh the browser and verify that the modification is remembered and loads correctly.


          Process and Process Authoring in the web UI

•Verify all project area links in the Associations section of the Overview tab of any project area editor.

•Verify all hyperlinks in the process description under the Process Description tab.

•If process sharing is used, check in the consuming project area the link to the project area that provides the shared process.




•Verify that the Planned Items work items point to new server URL.

•Verify existing links (Reference columns such as Children etc) in the Planned Items tab.

•Create new links to CCM from the Planned Items tab.

•Verify all existing links under the Planning Links tab.

•Add new Tracks/Contributes Plan links to the plan.


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