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How to install the Data Collector, Build, RQM-connector, CC-Synchronizer or CQ Synchronizer license without installing Trial licences

Accepted answer

The location is:

Hi Sandy
I checked the following location in my setup for 301,3011,3012 and 3013: <server_install_dir>\server\conf\jts\sites and it has the following folders:
1) license-update-site (this has com.ibm.team.jazz.foundation.server.licenses.enterprise-ea_0.9.9 inside the plugins directory) 2) rcl-integration-site 3) update-site
Does the clm-activation folder come up only after installing CLM licenses?

This directory ("clm-activation") was not inside the indicated path. To get it, I did a workaround: I have installed another instance in another directory (just JTS, CCM, tomcat and the trial required licenses) and then I found the directory there. I extracted the jar file and then I have imported one-by-one the jar files inside the "active" directory from the extracted jar file. The licenses were correctly imported and are ok now.
One other answer

1. The package above includes both base licenses (Data collector, Build, CQ sync, etc) and TRAIL licenses.
2. The /clm-activation folder exists only after installing the trail/base package using IM.
3. The jar file cannot be installed directly on the JTS admin > License Key Management page.
4. I tried to deploy the /clm-activation package the same way as when deploying a custom plugin on the server (copy the /clm-activation folder to ../conf/jts/sites/, add an .ini file in the provision_profiles folder, request server reset, and restart the server). It seems to work, but I am not sure if this is a proper way to do it.

Yes the /clm-activation folder only exists if the Trial license is installed. You have to have 1 install with the Trial licenses. This is geared towards a requirement not to install Trial licenses on a production server. To satisfy it you can install the Trial license on a non-production server and get the licenses to apply to the Production server.