How can I rotate my access.log file using httpd.conf on IHS?
Example #1:
CustomLog "|\"C:/Program Files/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/rotatelogs.exe\" \"C:/Program Files/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/access.log\" 60" common
Example #2:
CustomLog "|\”C:/Program Files/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/rotatelogs.exe\” logs/access.log 60" common
Example #3:
CustomLog "|C:/Program\ Files/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/access.log 60" common
As far as I can tell the syntax appears correct as I can see that rotatelogs.exe script (two even) started in task manager. There are no errors reported in the error.log file when I start the HTTP server.
I'm doing this in Windows 2008 R2 where I have WebSphere installed.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue? Any recommendations?
4 answers
CustomLog "|rotatelogs.exe -l \"C:/Program iles/IBM/HTTPServer615/logs/access_%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S.log\" 60" common
Hi Abraham,