RQM cannot find RFT adaptor
I tested Manual Automated Testing Friday successfully. The servers rebooted over the weekend. I came in and started the CLM application and then started the adaptor on my machine. Now RQM cannot find the adaptor. The adaptor states Connected. RQM can see the RFT adaptor if I create an Automated test.
What do I do next?
One answer
Hi Sterling,
This must be due to some RECORDing request was sent to the adapter and was not completed. To help you with this problem RQM provides a task cleanup facility in Adapter console
Follow this
1. Goto Execution -> Browse Adapter Console
2. Select the RFT adapter row
3. Click on "Clear Tasks" action in the toolbar (right top next to delete icon)
This should clean all tasks associated with the adapter and you must see it again available for Recording
This must be due to some RECORDing request was sent to the adapter and was not completed. To help you with this problem RQM provides a task cleanup facility in Adapter console
Follow this
1. Goto Execution -> Browse Adapter Console
2. Select the RFT adapter row
3. Click on "Clear Tasks" action in the toolbar (right top next to delete icon)
This should clean all tasks associated with the adapter and you must see it again available for Recording