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Which database does BIRT uses? DW or CCM?

It's important to understand the DB structure, in order to estimate the size and create backup/restore plans. I'd really appreciate for someone who can advice clearly on this.
Accepted answer


Thank you James. Can I ask further questions to confirm my understanding ?
- After RTC3.0.1 is installed with default settings, out of box BIRT report uses both CCM database and DW database. is this correct ?
- Out of box burndown report based on BIRT, uses both CCM and DW. is this correct ?
- When I look into the database using DB2 tools, there is a table "WORKITEM_SNAPSHOT.WORKITEM_CHNGS" in CCM DB. As my understanding, I though that the historical data is in DW DB and the BIRT is using DW DB. So what is this "WORKITEM_SNAPSHOT.WORKITEM_CHNGS" in CCM DB for ?
thanks in advance.

- Out-of-the-box BIRT reports use the DW (directly), as well as the CCM database (indirectly, through the Java APIs) - it depends on which report you are running.
- Burndown uses both, correct. The live data point at the end of the chart, as well as the "quality of planning" metric are both computed from live data. The trending data comes from the data warehouse. Apparently there is a length limitation on these comments so I will explain #3 in my next comment...
1 vote

- Good question. It's historical. In RTC 3.0 and older, we did not have a dedicated data warehouse which was a separate database. We had a "data mart" which really collected point product data as part of the CCM database, and our BIRT reports used that for historical trending. In 3.0.1 and later, we have a separate data warehouse which serves that purpose, but the legacy data mart still exists. WORKITEM_SNAPSHOT is part of the legacy data mart, and should be ignored - no report will ever read from it.
1 vote

Thank you James for your great answers and taking your time. I could clearly understand about this. So we need to backup the both DBs in our administration plan.
2 other answers


Thank you Amelin. I'm still not confident about which physical DB that BIRT report uses, because I've found the table "WORKITEM_SNAPSHOT.WORKITEM_CHNGS" in CCM DB that suppose to be the database for the livedata....

Only description I've found if some data source exposes live or warehouse data: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DataWarehouseSnapshotSchemas20 Mostly it's the same for RTC 3.x. For WORKITEMS snapshot you can see it has different types of tables - fact, live, view.
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