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Upgrade and Migration from RTC 3.x to 4.0

Long Li (323) | asked Oct 22 '12, 12:02 a.m.

I have a customer situation, i.e. the customer currently runs RTC 3.0.1 and plans to setup a new RTC 4.0 server on a new HW and migrate everything over to the new server.  My question is which option is a better approach,

Option 1 - Upgrade the current RTC server from 3.0.1 to 4.0 first, then migration data to the new RTC 4.0 server
Option 2 - Migration data directly from 3.0.1 PA on the current server to the 4.0 PA on the new server  

Customer uses RTC mainly for workitem management, no build, no source control. Basically I'd like to know if an upgrade of RTC 3.0.1 to 4.0 on existing env is necessary or not in this situation.

Thanks in Advance!

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 22 '12, 3:42 a.m.
edited Oct 22 '12, 3:37 p.m.

please be aware that the full qualified host name that you use in the public URI needs to be switched over to the new machine. Make a backup before you try this. See: . I would also test before I do this in production.

I would typically prefer to make sure an upgrade worked before I migrate to a new hardware. However, in this case it might be easier to do the upgrade to the new machine. The upgrade scripts don't require the public URI to access the repository, therefore they can be used across machines, if you can mount the install folder on the old machine. They also copy over the configuration files etc. This will save some manual steps. I have not tested it, but this is how I would try to do it:

  1. Shut down the server
  2. Change DNS resolution or the host name of the new machine to the host name of the old machine 
  3. Mount the install folder on the old system from the new machine
  4. Run the upgrade scripts. If your DB is on the old machine, make sure to fix the connection string to a valid host name.
  5. If you have custom extensions, bring them over. You might have to port them first.
Please be aware that the scripts would only copy the index files over, if you have a relative path. If you don't and they are only accessible from the new machine (e.g. don't reside on a quick SAN), copy the index files to their new location and fix the paths in the properties files during upgrading.

If you want to move the databases to a new server, do that after the upgrade succeeded.

Please check the documentation for how to do the upgrade:
Long Li selected this answer as the correct answer

Long Li commented Oct 22 '12, 1:26 p.m.

Hi Ralph,

Thank you very much for your quick reply, which answered my question very well.  I think we'd like take option 2 if it works since it may save us time/effort running upgrade/migration together, instead of doing it separately as in option 1. 

One more question, I just wonder if we will need to run the same automation scripts for both options or we need to run different automation scripts for each option? Thanks again very much!

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 22 '12, 3:42 p.m.

Hi Long,

make sure to read and run the interactive upgrade guide to understand what you are doing, in which sequence and which values you need. Make sure to prepare yourself with the process. Run it in a test upgrade to understand how it works and what it takes to finalize it. You don't want to get yourself into a situation where the upgrade is stuck and you are not sure what the next steps are, especially if you try option 2.

There is only one way to upgrade and that is using the scripts. The scripts are also used in situations where the JTS resides on a different machine than the CCM application. I believe this can be used to use the mounting mechanism to mount the old install folder and get the data copied over. I have however never tested this approach.

One other answer

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YOGESH LOKHANDE (10442027) | answered Oct 23 '12, 2:10 a.m.
 Thank you Ralph....

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