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Timesheet report with RRDI or BIRT

Rafael Hernandez (3222434) | asked Jul 15 '13, 4:06 p.m.
Hi everyone,

I', trying to do a report that looks exactly like the time tracking window, im trying to do this in RRDI but looks like theres no information about this,

When I use BIRT to make the report, im joining Live Workitems - Auditable Links - Timesheet entry tables to make it and i have the correct information but theres no way to obtain the working hour peer day

Is ther another table to obtain those information? i would like to obtain the time spent in just one day of the timetraking

Thx in advance.

Accepted answer

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 15 '13, 4:37 p.m.

Feature will be delivered in 4.0.4 and is described by the following plan item:

[CCM] Allow to create timesheet reports against the data warehouse (262680)

Rafael Hernandez selected this answer as the correct answer

Rafael Hernandez commented Jul 15 '13, 5:03 p.m.

thx for the help Rafik

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