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How do I answer Questions correctly?

Filip Wieladek (30413) | asked Jun 04 '12, 8:44 a.m.
edited Jun 10 '12, 3:54 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
While answering, How can I do the following:
  1. Preview my answer
  2. Upload a picture to provide a better answer
  3. Provide snippets of code (e.g pre) which is syntax highlighted?
  4. Highlight certain elements (e.g. Keyboard buttons, UI Menus)


Accepted answer

permanent link
Seth Packham (1.4k42213) | answered Jun 04 '12, 5:57 p.m.
1. Preview my answer - This is not supported in the new Forum.

2. Upload a picture to provide a better answer. - You can insert an image from a Web URL, but we are still working on attachment support.

3. Provide snippets of code (e.g pre) which is syntax highlighted? - I don't think this is supported. I'll check with our developer @griffisp to see what we can to improve the editor.

4. Highlight certain elements (e.g. Keyboard buttons, UI Menus) - Highlight these using Bold, which is in the editor.
Filip Wieladek selected this answer as the correct answer

Filip Wieladek commented Jun 05 '12, 1:19 a.m.

Thanks for the answers. In which project area can I file enhancement requests?

Seth Packham commented Jun 05 '12, 1:42 p.m.

Filip, if you have internal access to jazzdev02, you can get access to our JazzCS project area, otherwise all community members can submit requests via our public "Community Feedback" project area, here:

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