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David Topham (1) | asked Jun 24 '11, 11:23 a.m.
Does anyone have any experience using these tools with beginners? i.e. I teach Intro to programming using C++ at a community college and would like to have them experience building a program as a team. We usually use all open source tools (such as the GNU compiler). Would there be some minimum requirements of client software to install? e.g. Is Eclipse or MS Visual Studio required in order to set up source control to this hub? Or could other IDE be used (such as Code::Blocks)?

3 answers

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Brian Schimpf (27611514) | answered Jun 27 '11, 9:58 a.m.
Hi, David. Users of an RTC project can do most things in the project using the web client interface. That includes creating, viewing and updating work items and using dashboards to see project progress and activities. In order to use RTC source control features project participants will need to RTC Eclipse-based client installed on their system. It's not necessary to install MS Visual Studio although RTC can work with Visual Studio. You can download the RTC client from the download section or access it from the IBM Academic Initiative website.

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Brian Schimpf (27611514) | answered Aug 23 '11, 1:09 p.m.
Hi, David. Users of an RTC project can do most things in the project using the web client interface. That includes creating, viewing and updating work items and using dashboards to see project progress and activities. In order to use RTC source control features project participants will need to RTC Eclipse-based client installed on their system. It's not necessary to install MS Visual Studio although RTC can work with Visual Studio. You can download the RTC client from the download section or access it from the IBM Academic Initiative website.


I wanted to let everyone know that we are in the process of putting some additional tutorials and demos up on the site. From JazzHub if you click on the "help" icon (a question mark in a circle) on the upper right of the screen you'll be able to see these. We're working to make these a bit more visible but for now you can find them this way. We're hoping these will be helpful in getting started.

Thanks, Brian

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Brian Schimpf (27611514) | answered Aug 31 '11, 2:56 p.m.
Hi, David. Users of an RTC project can do most things in the project using the web client interface. That includes creating, viewing and updating work items and using dashboards to see project progress and activities. In order to use RTC source control features project participants will need to RTC Eclipse-based client installed on their system. It's not necessary to install MS Visual Studio although RTC can work with Visual Studio. You can download the RTC client from the download section or access it from the IBM Academic Initiative website.


I wanted to let everyone know that we are in the process of putting some additional tutorials and demos up on the site. From JazzHub if you click on the "help" icon (a question mark in a circle) on the upper right of the screen you'll be able to see these. We're working to make these a bit more visible but for now you can find them this way. We're hoping these will be helpful in getting started.

Thanks, Brian


Just another follow up on this. There is now a better link to our tutorials and demos on the JazzHub home page. Feedback on these resources and in particular thoughts about what else would be helpful is welcome. Feel free to post comments here in the JazzHub forum.

Thanks, Brian

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