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Where are the build and source control menus?

Chris McGee (50511117) | asked May 24 '13, 2:26 p.m.
In my jazzhub project I am working with a language that requires compilation. Eventually, I foresee needing to create a build engine, build definition, etc. to do periodic builds and package up the code for the project.

At the moment, there doesn't appear to be any build menus in jazzhub. Although, I won't be able to create build definitions or engines from the web UI (An RTC limitation at the moment) it would be nice to be able to kick off builds/personal builds from the web UI.

Also, I notice that there isn't any source control menu either, which would allow me to get lists of the stream(s) for my project.

One workaround for all of this is to simply bring up the eclipse client but in my case I am most often using the SCM CLI to do my development work.

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Adam Archer (83639) | answered May 24 '13, 3:27 p.m.
Hey Chris,

The Build and Source Control menus in RTC are currently disabled, each for their own reasons.

The Source Control menu is disabled because we want to highlight the Orion functionality that we have integrated under the 'Code' section of your project. It has the capability to let you work with your RTC SCM artifacts in one place, but also write, check-in and deliver code!

The Build menu is disabled because we aren't sure how we want to surface the Build functionality in this environment. It's great to know that there is instant demand for it.

Chris McGee commented May 24 '13, 3:39 p.m.

For casual browsers of the source code it would be great to surface at least the streams section of the RTC Source Control menu somehow even if it is surfaced inside the "Code" section somehow.

McQ Wilson commented May 26 '13, 3:55 p.m.

Chris, what were you trying to do when you wanted to look at the streams section? There is already some support for working with multiple streams in the "Code" world, but that is currently hidden unless you already have a project with multiple streams. 

Chris McGee commented May 27 '13, 10:09 a.m.

Thinking back on this I was probably trying to get an overview of the streams, builds, etc. for the project. Also, I was thinking of finding ways to enable end users to discover these things for themselves.

"How many streams does this project have?" "Are there any builds available for download?"

For now, I am manually putting in vital information and links like this into the project dashboard in the hopes that people will find it. Also, the dashboard has the advantage that you don't need to create a jazzhub account in order to read about the project before deciding to dig deeper into it.

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