Can not access our project area

One answer

There was a scheduled outage this weekend that was also displayed in the UI, as far as I remember. I can log in fine currently. You might want to add a work item at| to display an e-mail contact in the error message that would enable you to ask for help.

This is correct. There was a planned outage on Sunday that was announced on the site. Everything is online now and operating as expected. I confirmed that your project is accessible without issue now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Adam, it might be clearer if the page that displays would say so.

Thanks, I Confirmed that I can access my project area.

Consider to accept the answer.

Ralph, it was our intent to update the error message, but during the outage, we were unable to access the server that presents the error to update it. In the future we'll be sure to get appropriate messages in place.