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Synchronizing streams in 2 different project areas

neeraj karandikar (46152) | asked Aug 23 '10, 5:51 p.m.
Question -
How to automatcally sync. changes in one stream under a project area with another stream in a different project area?

Description -
I have 2 project areas each having 2 main streams. Say Streams S1, S2 under Project areas P1, P2 respectively. S1 and S2 share some common code base. I want S2 to be automatically synch.ed with S1(or atleast notified) whenever any changes are checked-in to the S1.

We tried using the flow target mechanism but it doesn't seem to work. When ever i checkin+deliver any changes in to S1, those are available to all workspaces in it but S2 doesn't see any new incoming changes even though it is set as flow target in first stream.


3 answers

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Aug 23 '10, 6:33 p.m.
neerajkarandikar wrote:
How to automatcally sync. changes in one stream under a project area
with another stream in a different project area?

Description -
I have 2 project areas each having 2 main streams. Say Streams S1, S2
under Project areas P1, P2 respectively. S1 and S2 share some common
code base. I want S2 to be automatically synch.ed with S1(or atleast
notified about new changes) whenever any changes are checked-in to
the S1.

We tried using the flow target mechanism but it doesn't seem to work.
When ever i checkin+deliver any changes in to S1, those are available
to all workspaces in it but S2 doesn't see any new incoming changes
even though it is set as flow target in first stream.

RTC does not automatically flow changes from one stream to another. It
always has to be done manually. (The flow targets in streams are mostly
documentation. They don't really affect behavior.)

To flow changes from S1 to S2, there has to be a repository workspace
that has both S1 and S2 as flow targets. From time to time, a person
must set the workspace's current flow target to S1, accept changes from
S1, test as necessary, set the flow target to S2, and deliver the changes.

As long as S1 and S2 are on the same server, it doesn't matter whether
or not they are in the same project or different projects.

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neeraj karandikar (46152) | answered Aug 23 '10, 9:15 p.m.
Thanks David for this helpful response.

neerajkarandikar wrote:
How to automatcally sync. changes in one stream under a project area
with another stream in a different project area?

Description -
I have 2 project areas each having 2 main streams. Say Streams S1, S2
under Project areas P1, P2 respectively. S1 and S2 share some common
code base. I want S2 to be automatically synch.ed with S1(or atleast
notified about new changes) whenever any changes are checked-in to
the S1.

We tried using the flow target mechanism but it doesn't seem to work.
When ever i checkin+deliver any changes in to S1, those are available
to all workspaces in it but S2 doesn't see any new incoming changes
even though it is set as flow target in first stream.

RTC does not automatically flow changes from one stream to another. It
always has to be done manually. (The flow targets in streams are mostly
documentation. They don't really affect behavior.)

To flow changes from S1 to S2, there has to be a repository workspace
that has both S1 and S2 as flow targets. From time to time, a person
must set the workspace's current flow target to S1, accept changes from
S1, test as necessary, set the flow target to S2, and deliver the changes.

As long as S1 and S2 are on the same server, it doesn't matter whether
or not they are in the same project or different projects.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 23 '10, 11:17 p.m.
I believe the best way to achieve the effect you are describing is to
have a CommmonComponent stream, that contains the components for that
common code base. Then, have members of P1 and P2 configure their
workspaces so that the flow target for those common components is the
CommonComponent stream, rather than S1 or S2.

Then any deliveries made to the common components will immediately show
up as incoming changes to both teams.

To make this (reasonably common) setup easier, I've submitted work item
127541, asking that you be able to declare that a set of components in
one stream should be "shared" from another stream. Then the developers
don't have to do anything to get this behavior. They would just set up
a flow target to their stream, and the deliveries to the shared
components would be automatically forwarded to the shared stream. If
you are interested in that functionality, please feel free to add a
comment to that work item to indicate your interest/support.


On 8/23/2010 6:33 PM, David Olsen wrote:
neerajkarandikar wrote:
How to automatcally sync. changes in one stream under a project area
with another stream in a different project area?

Description -
I have 2 project areas each having 2 main streams. Say Streams S1, S2
under Project areas P1, P2 respectively. S1 and S2 share some common
code base. I want S2 to be automatically synch.ed with S1(or atleast
notified about new changes) whenever any changes are checked-in to
the S1.

We tried using the flow target mechanism but it doesn't seem to work.
When ever i checkin+deliver any changes in to S1, those are available
to all workspaces in it but S2 doesn't see any new incoming changes
even though it is set as flow target in first stream.

RTC does not automatically flow changes from one stream to another. It
always has to be done manually. (The flow targets in streams are mostly
documentation. They don't really affect behavior.)

To flow changes from S1 to S2, there has to be a repository workspace
that has both S1 and S2 as flow targets. From time to time, a person
must set the workspace's current flow target to S1, accept changes from
S1, test as necessary, set the flow target to S2, and deliver the changes.

As long as S1 and S2 are on the same server, it doesn't matter whether
or not they are in the same project or different projects.

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