RTC dates of timelines are displayed in unexpected format
I am running RTC 5.0.2.
When I check timelines for RTC project, it displays the date as mm/dd/yyyy
Main Development [Project Timeline]
+ Release 1.0 [07/22/2015 - 09/1/2015]
I expect it to display the date as dd/mm/yyyy.
Main Development [Project Timeline]
+ Release 1.0 [22/07/2015 - 1/09/2015]
Is there a way to make it display dates in the format of dd/mm/yyyy?
Accepted answer
The date format depends on the "language" setting of the browser.
For example, if language is set to "English/Australia", then date will be displayed as dd/mm/yyyy.
If language is set to "English/United States", then the date will be displayed as mm/dd/yyyy.
Here are the ways to change languages for the browsers so that dates will be displayed as dd/mm/yyyy.
Click on "Choose..." at the Language setting.
Make sure "English/Australia [en-au]" is at the top of the language list.
Add "English/Australia [en-au]" if there is no "English/Australia [en-au]"
IE 11
Menu > Internet Options > General > Languages
Make sure "English/Australia [en-au]" is at the top of the language list.
Add "English/Australia [en-au]" if there is no "English/Australia [en-au]"
Make sure English "(Australia)" is at the top of the language list.
Add "English (Australia)" if there is no "English (Australia)".