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Dynamically populating work item drop down boxes

George Jutras (51108) | asked Mar 24 '10, 8:45 a.m.
Hello! We are creating custom work items and would like to have a selection in one drop down box populate the selections in another drop down box. One of our developers called it 'dynamic populating'. Does anyone know how we could do this? Thanks.

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Wagner Arnaut (1162714) | answered Mar 24 '10, 8:56 a.m.
Hello! We are creating custom work items and would like to have a selection in one drop down box populate the selections in another drop down box. One of our developers called it 'dynamic populating'. Does anyone know how we could do this? Thanks.

The follow link describes a sample of ValueSetProvider Usage.

It is the Probability/Severity Sample into the Filtering Enumeration Value Set Provider section.

Wagner Arnaut

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