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Cross Project linking and visuals

al vega (11) | asked Nov 29 '23, 8:46 a.m.

Currently on V7.0.2 of IBM DOORs next Generation and have all the iFix's installed. Have GC enabled and want to do cross project linkages from Project A to Projects C and F.  Within the GC application can see the links from start to end points (Multi Directional) and able to see all linkages via link explorer. However, we working in the local configuration for any of the project areas that are linked cannot see multi direction of the links, Link Explorer does not show any linkages, understand that the ID will show in the project area only, but should this not be on both ends? Or some means to identify there is a link established? 

One answer

permanent link
Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Nov 29 '23, 8:55 a.m.

 If you work in the context of your global configuration (rather than local configuration) you should see your links.

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