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Requirement in the collection considered in a baseline?

mike jojo (132) | asked May 17 '21, 6:03 a.m.


i moved some requirements from the main stream to a created collection. So, in the main stream they do not appear anymore. However, i don't know when a baseline of the main stream is created, the requirements within the collection will be part or considered in the baseline? 

thank you

mike jojo commented May 17 '21, 1:29 p.m.

i was i removed requirements from a module to a collection. so i wanna know if i create a baseline from a module where i removed some artifacts (currently gathered in a collection), those gathered requirements in the collection will be considered or will be part of the baseline.

2 answers

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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered May 17 '21, 12:16 p.m.

 When you take a baseline of a component, that always includes everything in the component.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 17 '21, 1:22 p.m.

This question doesn't quite make sense as written.   You can move a requirement from one folder to another, you can add a requirement to a collection, and you can remove a requirement from a collection.   But I don't know what you mean by "move a requirement to a collection".   Also, an artifact (such as a collection) resides in a stream.   You can merge it from one stream to another (once you activate configuration management), or you can delete it from the stream, but you cannot "move it from the stream".

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