Once I click on the task or work products, the navigation move to roles from the the process
2 answers
When I publish the process to the website we have on the left side tree view, on the right side we have the content, Breadcrumbs is on the content side, and it shows the item path, example if I created a custom category called process and I assign to it another custom category called system requirements analysis, and then I assign to it a task called create system requirements specification, this task is performed by system engineer, now the Breadcrumbs will navigate until the system requirements analysis correctly meaning it will show (process/system requirements analysis), but when I click on the task the Breadcrumbs will completely move to another structure which looks like that (Roles/Role/system Engineer/performs/Create system requirements specification), No that's the issue because then I lose the overview of the mapping of the task to the process, What I was expecting is that the Breadcrumbs will be (Process/system requirements analysis/Create system requirements specifications)
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 15 '22, 4:08 p.m.none, not a single of the tags make any sense in this context and the scenario description does not make a lot of sense either.
ahmed Abdelrazek
Nov 16 '22, 3:28 a.m.I have corrected the tags
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 16 '22, 3:58 a.m.Rational Method Composer: you want to be specific where you are in the process of working. It is absolutely possible that the roles specification is part of the breadcrumbs.
I also think you would still be better off with opening a case with support.