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Question about post: Get RRC reviews through OSLC Client Application

Lew Cote (53) | asked Jul 12 '22, 1:44 p.m.


I have read this post  Post: to try and resolve a issue but when I use this URL, I get all reviews in all projects, nothing project specific.  It does work, but I only want reviews for 1 project not all of them.

ELM 702

Thank you

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 13 '22, 2:29 a.m.


the API in that post is a private API. The header private=true clearly indicates that. You are not supposed to use private API. If you do it anyway, it is hard for me to comment, because I have not used that particular API. However:
1. In the post the query parameter projectURI=_TmFXlVQIEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ is the parameter that limits the scope to one project. If this does not work for you, this API has either changed, or there is something wrong with the URI e.g. encoding. You have to figure out what is going wrong.

Lew Cote commented Jul 14 '22, 2:16 p.m.

  Thanks Ralph for the response, and Yes I am trying to figure out what is going wrong. 

When I remove the private API section, I receive a 403.   When I use this URI,,   _crUyQLvyEeym7_x-shLleg = projectid. Using the advance Rest client, I receive a 403. 

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Thank you

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 15 '22, 3:59 a.m. | edited Jul 15 '22, 4:00 a.m.

Lew, you have to send the private header, if that is required. That is not the point, the point is, that the API itself is private, not documented, for internal use only and can change easily.

Bottom line if you use those APIs you do it on your own without support. Having said that, the private APIS are used internally, so you can record HAR files of the browser to server communication and analyze how that works. Maybe there is a new parameter missing? 

I did not write that. 

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