reload log4j settings
We came to know that there is an option to reload the log4j settings without restarting the server.
We would like to automate the step 3 as mentioned below, we would like to know if there are any rest services already available to achieve that ?
Procedure we planned:
1. we place the updated file in the respective server.
2. go to server web page - on reload Log settings tab from internal tools and click again Reload Log settings
Accepted answer
This is most likely not supported API.
The button sends this HTTP request to the server
The request headers contain the JSESSIONID that you get when you login to the server ( ).
You can try to login and then send the request above.
If the call worked, you get back an HTTP status 200 and this response body:
{ "reloaded": true }
You could probably use CURL see for an example.
Again, no guarantee if this is going to work or is even supported.