How to see source control links from files to RM artifacts in RM application in GC

If I've created an "implements requirement" link from a SCM file in RTC to a requirement in RM with the correct global configuration context, how can I see that this link exists in the RM application?
when I look at the artifact in RM and open the "links" side panel, there is no link.
RTC and RM have the necessary "provides/uses" associations, link types are configured in RTC, OSLC attributes mapped using "planned for", RTC "release" linked to the global configuration. RTC SCM stream and RM stream are both included in the same global configuration.
Note 1: As we only have 1 RTC project area for all projects, I have multiple releases against the same timeline. I assume this shouldn't affect anything?
2 answers

By default, configurations in EWM SCM are not published to the TRS so are not indexed in LQE or LDX. Have you explicitly added the required EWM SCM configurations to the TRS?
I believe this functionality is only available in 7.0.2 onwards. See for details.

Note that EWM SCM Configurations in TRS is in Beta in 7.0.2, not GA.
There are instructions in the downloads page on how to download and install the beta code (it is in the form of a patch, plus a couple of edits to config files).
But note that functionality added in 7.0.2 beta for EWM SCM reporting is not sufficient for backlinks to work items to appear in DOORS Next.