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Multiple people edit same testscript error

Steven Wallace (337) | asked Jul 12 '22, 12:11 p.m.
Is there a way to merge changes between two users editing the same test script?

User1 opens a test script.
User1 begins updating test script.
User2 opens the same test script as User1.
User2 begins updating different fields in the test script than User1.
User1 saves the test script.
User2 attempts to save the test script but is presented with an error ("The Test Script cannot be saved. You have an older state of this item..").

Is there a way to use pessimistic concurrence (locking) or is there a way to use a merge tool since the application appears to be designed for optimistic concurrence?

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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Jul 13 '22, 4:15 a.m.

I'm not aware of any such mechanism.

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