Try to setup the jts server, but an Error: The basic user registry for WebSphere Liberty could not be updated

Try to set up the jts server with https://host-name:9443/jts/setup, at the step to create an administrative user, an error occurred. The error message is as follow.
The basic user registry for WebSphere Liberty could not be updated.ID CRJAZ2952E Caused by: The basic user registry for WebSphere Liberty could not be updated. ( CRJAZ2952E
Could anyone please help me with this issue? Any advice or suggestion.
Accepted answer

The basic user registry is a file, so my guess is that yours is read only.
If you are on Windows then you need to make sure your server is either installed in a non-protected folder (so outside C:\Program Files), or you need to run your server as a Local Admin. My preference is to always install the server outside of the protected area and run the server as a non-admin user
If you are in Linux then you need to make sure you the entire directory system where you have installed the server is owned by the user:group that runs the server, and make sure the file has user write permissions
2 other answers

Hi Jundong
It is not clear what OS you have ELM installed on. We see similar case before and it seems the problem may be related to resource etc, restarting the server would help in that case, see a Japanese technote which also suggests to restart the machine:
Hopefully this helps.
Jundong Chen
Jan 25 '22, 4:49 p.m.[err] java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 2
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 26 '22, 4:10 a.m.Does the user who runs your Liberty have write access so Liberty can update the basicUserRegistry.xml? On Windows this is at <JazzInstallFolder>\server\liberty\servers\clm\conf\basicUserRegistry.xml