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How to run multiple RFT test scripts in a test case

Brian Cam (63188) | asked Nov 17 '09, 10:07 a.m.
My test case contains several RFT automated test scripts. When I run a TER or a test suite for this test case, only the first test script is executed. I would like to run these scripts in the order that I want but can't find a way to do that. There's no way for me to change the order of the scripts in the test case. Could somebody please tell me how to do this? I'm new to RQM.


6 answers

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Nov 19 '09, 3:43 p.m.
Hey Brian,
To me, it sounds like you need to use a Test Suite (Construction->Create Test Suite).
Add your Test Case(s) to the Suite and select the script to run each step of the way. You can select to run the Suite sequentially (in order). You can then run the Suite to run all of your Test Scripts.
Hope that helps.

My test case contains several RFT automated test scripts. When I run a TER or a test suite for this test case, only the first test script is executed. I would like to run these scripts in the order that I want but can't find a way to do that. There's no way for me to change the order of the scripts in the test case. Could somebody please tell me how to do this? I'm new to RQM.


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Brian Cam (63188) | answered Nov 19 '09, 4:57 p.m.
Hi John,

I followed your instructions but it still executed only the first script in the test case. For example, I have 2 test cases. The first test case has 2 RFT scripts. The second has 1 RFT script. When I run the test suite, it runs both test cases but only the first test script in the first test case is executed. I found that I can change the order of the test cases in the test suite using the Up and Down arrows. But I can't change the order of the test scripts in a test case because there are no Up and Down arrows. This means each test case can only have one RFT script even though RQM allows multiple test scripts in a test case. To me this seems like a bug or big limitation unless I'm missing something completely. Thanks.


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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Nov 19 '09, 6:19 p.m.
Hey Brian,
Let's call the Test Case with 2 scripts "TC1".
In your Suite, add TC1 twice. Save it.
You'll see that the first script is selected by default.
Select one of the entries for "TC1" in your Suite by clicking the checkbox on the left side.
Select the "pencil" icon - this allows you to change the default script for the Test Case. You can now change the default to the first script for one, and the second for the other.

Alternatively, the dialog that appears when you go to run a Suite includes the ability to modify the scripts that will be run "on the fly".


Hi John,

I followed your instructions but it still executed only the first script in the test case. For example, I have 2 test cases. The first test case has 2 RFT scripts. The second has 1 RFT script. When I run the test suite, it runs both test cases but only the first test script in the first test case is executed. I found that I can change the order of the test cases in the test suite using the Up and Down arrows. But I can't change the order of the test scripts in a test case because there are no Up and Down arrows. This means each test case can only have one RFT script even though RQM allows multiple test scripts in a test case. To me this seems like a bug or big limitation unless I'm missing something completely. Thanks.


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Brian Cam (63188) | answered Nov 20 '09, 9:14 a.m.
Hi John,

I see what you're doing. But this works for me. I shouldn't have put too many test scripts in a test case so I don't have to add the same test case for each test script. Thanks for your help.


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Kim Werner (6683) | answered Jan 21 '10, 10:23 a.m.
Hi John,

I see what you're doing. But this works for me. I shouldn't have put too many test scripts in a test case so I don't have to add the same test case for each test script. Thanks for your help.


An alternative would be to make your first RFT script a "Parent" and have the last command be a CallScript to invoke the next RFT script, etc. Then in RQM, you only have to reference that first Parent Script. RQM doesn't need to know that the parent Script invokes other RFT scripts. As long as the "child" RFT scripts are on the target machine, it will all work.

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Daniel Valle (21) | answered Feb 05 '10, 12:50 p.m.
I'm having a similar problem to that which Brian had.

I have a test case that has one test script. That test script is just one method that does callScript on a series of eight other scripts. When I execute the test case off of the RQM shared resource, the test always stops after the second script in the sequence completes. I tried adjusting the order by which the scripts were called, but for every different combination of scripts, they all stopped executing after the second in the sequence completed.

When I looked in my RQMRFTProjects folder in Local Settings, I saw that only a total four class files were being brought in from the shared resource - one for the master script, one for a static helper class, and the two scripts that were being executed.

I think there is a limitation with respect to the number of .class files that RQM can send down through an adapter. I have not found a solution yet, but if I do, I will definitely post it.

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