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What is the syntax for creating a test case custom attribute of size medium using RQM Excel importer

Salwa Hermiz (1516) | asked Oct 09 '18, 4:54 p.m.

 One of our validation teams needs a medium size custom attributes that can hold data more than 250 character,

What is the syntax for creating a test case custom attribute of size medium using RQM Excel importer, I used the below syntax and it did not work:
testcase.customAttributes name="Requirement".type="MEDIUM_STRING"

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Oct 09 '18, 7:54 p.m.
What is your RQM and RQMExcelImporter version?

What do you mean by "it did not work"? no custom attributes named Requirement got created?

According to the doc, the valid syntax would be like

//Directly specifying attribute’s parameter in config file                       
testcase.customAttributes identifier="Custom_attribute_0".name=" Custom attribute 0".type="MEDIUM_STRING".value=O

 //Order of parameter is not relevant (v602 onward)                       
testcase.customAttributes name=" Custom attribute 0".type="MEDIUM_STRING". identifier="Custom_attribute_0".value=O

So in your case, you would need to specify value as it is mandatory as per the doc.

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