Missing tables in RICALM schema
fail reporting:
[PROGRESS - 11:23:30] Build Node 73 'RQM3_KeyWord'; executing (pid 3272)
[PROGRESS - 11:23:40] pid 3272 Build Node 73 'RQM3_KeyWord'; reported the following:
DM-DBM-0400 UDA driver reported the following on connection Rational Data Warehouse:1:
UDA-SQL-0353 An error was detected while processing the SQL request.
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0204N "RICALM.KEYWORD_CLASSIFICATION" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704
As far as I'm aware I've done the steps for configuring Insight, the Connection Manager and Data Warehouse database. I.e. _some_ data is being moved across, but there is also much that is not.
DB2 v9.7 and Insight Reporting server v1.1 on RHEL 5.3.
DataManager setup on Windows 7 where I run the ETL by hand once in a while trying to move another step or
two forward. There is also a cron that does a rundsjob, but it produces different "results" than when the ETL is executed from my windows platform.
One answer
The other step that should be done outside of the jts/setup is changing authentication of the report server over to use the JTS. This is explained in the Insight online help.
Hope this helps,
The JTS warehouse has been configured for a good long while. I've been at this insight thing for weeks now -- help a body out and show chapter and verse?
Are you saying that it worked before, but these errors just started happening? Could someone have changed your "Rational Data Warehouse" connection perhaps in Data Manager, or did you import a newer version of pkg files and overwrote that connection?
No, I'm saying that I'm trying to get this launched with only some success. I looked at the xdc files that I have loaded and none mention a connection to the JTS data warehouse database.
In Data Manager tool of Rational Insight, you can see a connection called "Rational Data Warehouse" that is connecting to your JTS data warehouse database, please check that connection and your Data Manager ETL is matching with the version of your CLM server (Importing the pkg files downloaded from the CLM server to the catalog of Data Manager).