RQM: Unable to open RFT detailed log
I have RFT v8.1.1.1 and RQM v2.0.0.1 iFix 5.
After running a testcase, I can view the 'Rational Functional Tester Simple Log'.
When I click on the 'Rational Functional Tester Detailed Log', nothing happens.
I tried on Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox Modizzla v3.5.9.
Does anyone know how I can view the detailed log?
After running a testcase, I can view the 'Rational Functional Tester Simple Log'.
When I click on the 'Rational Functional Tester Detailed Log', nothing happens.
I tried on Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox Modizzla v3.5.9.
Does anyone know how I can view the detailed log?
2 answers
RFT's Detailed log can be opened when RFT is installed on the same machine.
Additionally, the web browser must be enabled for testing (by RFT). This installs the plug-in used to display the verification point comparator. More details at the link below; note that the "automatic enablement" feature introduced in RFT 8.2.2 will not work; you must use manual browser enablement. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rfthelp/v8r2/topic/com.ibm.rational.test.ft.doc/topics/RunHTMLEnabler.html