How to configure that allow users to enter values for attributes only when users created a workitem?
Hi every one this is TAKU
users cannot change attributes because we configure that attribute is read-only
but we would like to configure to allow users to enter values for attributes only when users created a workitem,
Is there way to configure?
(if possible, we wouldn't to adopt Java scripts)
i hope get your reply, thank you for reading
Accepted answer
I am unsure that I understand what you are asking.
If a work item attribute is defined as read only, the only way to change that, is to change the configuration in the process customization. See the following links for some documentation.
i modified my question
could you confirm it again?
sorry for confused
You can use operational behavior to make attributes read only for condition (javaScript) or type and state. E.g. attributes could be changeable while the state is new.
As I said, the only way I see this working is to use operation behavior - preconditions - to do this. For example, you can use the pre condition Read only for type and state to configure attributes as read only for states. You would basically allow one state to edit the attributes. Once the next state is set the attributes are read only.
You can also use the pre condition read only for condition which would require a condition (Java/java Script).
Google read only attributes