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ClearQuest synchronizer setup

Narayanan Potti (27037679) | asked Apr 30 '13, 10:38 a.m.

I have CLM 4.0.1 installed on Windows server 2008. Database is SQL Server R2 Enterprise. ClearQuest version is

I need to configure ClearQuest Synchronizer to integrate RTC with ClerQuest. When trying to configure CQ connector it requires entering user name and password for CQ Administrator. I have a few questions on the need for CQ administrator privilege to configure CQ gateway. I would appreciate if you could please let me know.

1. Does ClearQuest Synchronizer or ClearQuest gateway make schema changes in ClearQuest ?
2. What specific changes does the CQ gateway or CQ synchronizer make in ClearQuest ?
3. Are there any packages to be applied to ClearQuest schema in order to be integrated with RTC / RQM using ClearQuest synchronizer ?

Narayanan Potti commented Apr 30 '13, 10:41 a.m.

I need to make a small correction:
I have CLM 4.0.1 installed on Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise. Database is SQL Server.

Accepted answer

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Matthew Alexander (18126) | answered Apr 30 '13, 12:45 p.m.
Hi Narayanan,

There is a CQ package named JazzInterop that needs to be applied to your CQ schema in order for the synchronizer to work.  This would be a change to your CQ schema.

The package creates four new CQ record types and adds hook code which the synchronizer uses to keep track of of CQ records which are being synched.  It is how the synchronizer knows when a record has been created/changed and when to update it.


Narayanan Potti selected this answer as the correct answer

Narayanan Potti commented Apr 30 '13, 3:02 p.m.

 Thanks a lot for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

One other answer

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Apr 30 '13, 10:53 a.m.
The idea behind the synchronizer setup is to map the CQ schema to the RTC schema (process template). The procedure on how to create the mapping (or rather, modify the OOTB mapping, which will not work) is described here:

So, rather than by making changes to the schema, you bridge the gap between CQ and RTC using mapping.

Matthew Alexander commented Apr 30 '13, 12:50 p.m.

When going through the CQ Synchronizer Setup Wizard, a user is asked for CQ admin privileges because a CQ package does need to be applied to the schema.  This results in a new version of the schema.

After this is done, the mapping of the fields needs to take place. 

Narayanan Potti commented Apr 30 '13, 3:01 p.m.

 Thanks a lot for your help, it is greatly appreciated. Can you let me know what is OOTB mapping  ?

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