Restrict Change Set Deliveries By Stream
I have two streams in my project and two groups of work items. I want to make sure that change sets associated with one group of work items can only be delivered to one stream, and change sets associated with the other group of work items can only be delivered to the other stream.
One answer
There is a pre-defined precondition that says "the work item associated with this change set must satisfy a specific work item query". Create a query that selects the appropriate group of work items, and associate it with that pre-defined precondition for the appropriate stream.
The issue I have with that strategy is that I can only assign the query on a per-project basis, rather than a per-stream basis, and both of these streams are in the same project. If I attempt to deliver Work Item A to Stream B, I want it to result in an error and prevent the delivery. Same with Work Item B and Stream A. If I made two of these queries and two preconditions, the Work Item would need to satisfy both since they're both in the same project, and there aren't any Work Items I want to deliver to both streams.
You would need to create a team area for each set of streams that need a different query, and make that team area the owner of the appropriate streams.