rename local workspace without reloading?

I want to rename folder ws1 to ws2. Only way I know is to reload the whole Workspace. I don't want to do this because the stream I am loading is > 8 GB
Are there any ways to do this?
I use RTC Eclipse client 5.0.1 (Indigo with P2) on Windows
2 answers

- Exit Eclipse
- Rename the workspace - I assume the workspace folder is ws1 and you want to call it ws2
- Start Eclipse
- Select the new workspace folder
After 4 and logging into RTC, the client should detect the loaded workspaces - all the information is kept within the workspace, as far as I am aware.

Hi Ralph.
Thanks. I guess i wasn't clear.
What I meant is the workspace (folder) where I load the Repository workspace.
Renaming Eclipse workspace works as you have defined and that's not the issue here
My eclipse workspace: C:\rtc_ws\
My local workspace (loading of RWS) : C:\rtc\ws1
I want to rename C:\rtc\ws1 to C:\rtc\ws2

What is the reason for that construct versus to have the projects in the Eclipse workspace? Renaming that will not work. There are ways to make it work, I think, but I don't have time to do experiments.
I would suggest you set up a small test example and try out different scenarios. One way, I can think of is to rename the folder and add it as a sandbox again ant then try to import the projects into the Eclipse workspace again. I am not sure if that would work though.

make sure you have no pending changes
1. eclipse, project, right click, share->disconnect
2. eclipse, project, delete, keep source
3. rename file folder
4. eclipse, new project, type, set location to where code is (new folder name)
5. eclipse, project, right click, share, jazz... etc..
2/3/4, I don't know how to tell eclipse a project base folder outside the eclipse workspace changed.