Create intermediate baseline
In one of our projects a user created a number of changesets, delivering them as they were completed.
In this process they where to create a baseline however one baseline was inadvertantely omitted.
component a , changeset 1 - baseline ABC
component a, changeset 2 - <baseline omitted>
component a, changeset 3 - baseline DFG
They want to create a baseline for the changeset 2 delivery. Can this be done and if so how?
Accepted answer
does it work to create a repository workspace with Component A baseline ABC, set a flow relation to a stream containing change set 2 (and beyond), then accept only changeset 2 to that workspace and stamp the missing baseline there?
- Arne
In this senerio after creating the baseline, would/could it be delivered back to the main stream? I asume that as there is no code changes, all that would be delivered is a baseline label. Would this "later" deliver supercede what is the latest on the main stream?
main stream - BL1 (change1), BL3(change2 & change3)
workspace config - BL1 + change2, create BL2, deliver back to main
What does the main latest now reflect BL2 with change3 now gone?
A "deliver" will never cause any change sets to be removed from the target stream, but delivering a baseline to a stream can re-order the change sets in the target stream.