Receiving fork/conflict error trying to discard the file

2 answers

I assume when you say "tried discarding the file", you meant "tried discarding the change set containing the change to the file"? You can use that approach, but you would have to identify the change sets that depend on that change set, discard them as well, and then reaccept the ones you want to keep, and then "replace" the configuration of the stream with the configuration in your workspace, and then warn other team members to discard outgoing change sets that they did not create ... So I do not recommend that approach for your case.

Developer reversed the change set, but on the pending patch there is no option to accept the change, it only has remove from view, auto resolve, and resolve with proposed. When you click on the file it states there are no changes to the file. When he auto resolve yesterday it created another duplicate of the same file within its own outgoing set, so yesterday there were 3 of the same file. He was able to discard one, but that left 2 in outgoing with the pending patch.

Yes, "auto-resolve" is the way to get the patch into your workspace (not the most intuitive command name, but I'm sure they had their reasons for naming it that :-).
For details on performing a reverse, see the online help:
In particular, it will point you to the online help for applying a patch: