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CCM - state name is displaying State ID

I used the RTC Eclipse Client.
1. extracted template from Prod.
2. exported template
3. imported into the Development environment.
> created a new PA ver2
4. updated the attributes, states, actions
> 3 new attributes
> 2 news states for the defect work item
> Saved
5. open one of the children PA and linked to the new PA ver2 master
6. all new work items are working properly
7. all new and old work items for Story, Defect, Epic properly.
8. old task work items are not displaying the "state" new, but the code of the ID. the Task workflow (name or action) was not modify. I only added the "external URI".
> ex: com.ibm.team.workitem.taskWorkflow.state.s2
how to fix
Accepted answer

The work item types and their workflows are defined in the EWM process of a project area. Look into the process for work items and check the workflow. Odd things can happen if, for example, workflow states are deleted in the process XML. The process XML shows the changes in its history in the Eclipse client.
One other answer

I can't see a way to comment on this, so I'm only left with answering.

Please follow the forum etiquette by asking your own question rather that asking it on a 3 year old post.

Hi David,

We do not have a great etiquette. What we have at the moment is https://jazz.net/forum/faq/ . I will take some time and put something together that can be added there. This will most certainly contain something about answering questions of other users with your own question, independent of how old a question is. This is even more true for questions that are older than a year.
Until we have an updated etiquette, I would ask you to follow the suggestion of moderators to ask your own question. If you like, refer to other questions that seem to be related using a link.

By the way, commenting to the question should work, so I am not sure about this as a reason to create an answer with a question. I can see the Comment on this question link.

Hi Ralph, Thanks for the clarification and the answer below. Maybe, if possible the forum software could close a question that is considered to old to answer. But, I'll refrain from answering like this again. Not sure why I couldn't see the comment link, probably something I did wrong.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 20 '19, 4:16 a.m.I think displaying the ID instead of a state name indicates that the process does not define a state with that ID. This should be checked first.