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Renaming the DB server

Hi All,
We are in a plan of upgrading CLM 6.0.3 to CLM and to achieve that we requested our SQL team upgrade the database to SQL 2014 from 2012. SQL team setup a new hardware, installed SQL 2014 and restored the databases from old DB server to new DB server. Now we need to change our CLM configuration to connect to new DB server.
We need suggestions whether to rename the existing DB server to XXX_old and rename the new DB server to the existing one and restore the IP address or need to stop the CLM application services, change the DB server name in all configurations within applications and clear the cache on all applications.
Please let us know which one would be an effective solution with zero impact on the current CLM setup.
Note: Currently we are making changes on staging server and same will be repeated on production as well.
Accepted answer

As far as I know, the hostname for the DB is not part of an public URI that can not be changed easily. To connect to a different DB server only requires to shutdown the CLM application, change the connection string in the teamserver.properties and to restart the CLM application.
For any other hint or details, follow the interactive upgrade guides.