Why the Default value of Attribute Customization doesn't work?
I have an attribute "BA Estimate" of type Decimal.
First, I am unable to find where it's default is set to "0". Is Decimal default is always "0"?
Second, I created a Default Value from Attribute Customization,
Name: InitValue
Type: Default Values
Provider: Decimal
I set a value "1" to InitValue.
Now I find this option of InitValue when I attempt edit BA Estimate attribute. Selected InitValue as a default option for it.
Now, when I attempt to create a work item, still I see "0" as a default value instead of "1" for BA Estimate.
What am I missing here to set this default value?
Please advise.
Tanveer Zubair
Mar 18 '19, 4:23 p.m.Please share the knowledge. Thanks