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Windows server permissions question

Mahari Hill (4861184230) | asked Mar 26 '14, 1:42 p.m.

CLM 4.0.6 / Windows Server 2008

I installed a CLM demo on a windows server 2008 machine as the Local Administrator account for a trial. As I am now installing on a production 2008 server, my domain account is now in the MACHINE\Administrators local group. The install went fine, but I  have to click "Run as Administrator" to start the JTS, and when I try and modify the .properties files, it gives me a Access Denied error message.

My rights are local administrator, and the files/directories have Full Control (Modify, etc).

What gives? What's the best practice?


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 26 '14, 8:54 p.m.
Try this way
1. Open a command prompt with "Run as Administrator".
2. Navigate to the jts/conf folder.
3. Run command "notepad".
If it still doesn't work, it's likely that the running process is locking the file (not that I think it will). You can simply stop the process to verify this.

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