Why is the preconditon "Require-Work-Item-to-Match-Query" not inherited properly by child project areas
I am currently using RTC 6.0.5.
I read the following question on Jazz forum:
In this question it states that this precondition should now work. It was to be fixed in 6.0.1 sprint 5.
I tried it and it does not seem to be working. The following were the steps I did:
1. In the parent process area I created a query "Find WI Type Task".
2. I shared that query so that it now resides in the Predefined Queries of the shared process area. The shared process area was the only process area I could select when I shared it.
3. In the shared process area I went to the Deliver (server) in Operations Behavior and in the Everyone column I added the precondition require Work Items to Match Query.
4 I then selected the Find WI Type Task as my query.
5. I applied the changes and save the process work area.
I then went to the work space of a project using my shared process area and made changes.
I then, via pending changes, checked in and delivered my changes.
I selected to create a work item to be associated and the type was defect.
The check in and delivery were successful.
Did I forget a step or do something incorrectly?