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What do attachment size values under RQM Integration Component and RQM Integration Component control?

Brett Bohnn (94111157) | asked Feb 25 '19, 11:39 a.m.

So far in my testing I only see the impact of setting "Maximum Attachment Size (MB)" to 0 under Test Component > With that I am unable to add attachments to test artifacts with an attachments section and attachments from adapters like the command line adapter do not upload to a test case result. This is desired/expected. I have set Max file upload size (kB) under RQM Integration Component and
Maximum Attachment Size (MB) under Work Item Component and thus far cannot tell what those values control.


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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Mar 01 '19, 10:49 a.m.


Some explanation:

1. [RQM Integration ComponentMax file upload size (kB): The maximum size of a part for RQM Reportable REST API PUT/POST requests containing multipart content (Content-Type = multipart/<multipart type>; boundary=<boundary value>), such as attachments (see

2. [Work Item Component] Maximum Attachment Size (MB): The maximum size of an attachment associated with a work item.  This Advanced Property is defined by RTC.

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