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Help building Test Script Step Result Template in RPE

Timothy Distel (73356) | asked Aug 01 '18, 8:44 a.m.
edited Aug 01 '18, 9:33 a.m.


I am using RPE 2.1.2 pulling information from CLM suite 6.0.3.

I am looking for some advanced advice on how to create a specific report. The report I am requesting generates a table for every test case result included in a test plan. Each table holds the information you would find in the "Result Details" tab of a test case result in the Web UI. The rows in each table would be defined by the number of test script steps found in the test case result, and the columns would be static for every table; showing information about each test script step result (script id, step number/result, actual result, comments, tester) PER STEP. I think this is an important distinction as I am looking for individual step results, not the overall test case result.

I believe it would be most beneficial to point my feed data source URI to the specific test plan I would like this report generated on as the scope:

I believe I could find the information I am looking for by pointing my schema in Document Studio to feed/entry/content/executionresult/stepResults.

I think I am okay with the two specifications above, but I have included them in case I am incorrect. Where I am stuck is attempting to build the template from the palette as I am unsure of how to group items and where to place iterations or even what the iteration should be on. I am better with visuals and feel that a screenshot of a template that would accomplish this report generation would be the most helpful. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Kumaraswamy Gowda (39115) | answered Aug 01 '18, 10:35 a.m.


There are some good videos on youtube and also a lab exercise at

Regarding you reporting query, I would say start simple and build the template iteratively. Print test plan and it's test case details first.

High level steps
1. Start with Test Plan (TP) feed filter by test plan name or directly use Test Plan QM schema. This could be TP_feed/qm schema

2. For every Test Case (TC) in TP from #1, add DSC element to get more details about TC using QM feed. This should be TC_QM schema.

3. For every test case, fetch all execution work item details. This would need ExecutionWorkItem_Feed schema.
var pos=identifier.indexOf(/testcase/);
var configURI=identifier.substring(0,pos);
configURI=configURI + "/executionworkitem?fields=feed/entry/content/executionworkitem[testcase/@href='" + identifier + "']/*"

4. Get each ExceutionWorkItemDetails_QM using feed/entry/content/executionworkitem/identifier URI.

5. From each execution work item details, get result suing executionworkitem/executionresult/href. This would need ExecutionResultDetails_QM schema.
- executionresult/state should provide the result.

RPE also ships sample templates for printing basic test plan, test case, script details. Do take a look.

Alternative and preferred approach
You could create such a report in an easier from Jazz Reporting Service (JRS). If you want to generate Word document, we've adding a feature for generating Word, PDF document directly from JRS.


Timothy Distel selected this answer as the correct answer

Timothy Distel commented Aug 01 '18, 10:54 a.m. | edited Aug 01 '18, 10:57 a.m.

I would love to create the report using JRS, and much prefer to, however I am unsure of how to go about it. I posted a question yesterday which brought me to the conclusion that I could not generate this report using JRS. I found that I am only able to select QM artifacts when switching my data source to rational data warehouse as opposed to LQE. Even then I cannot find the appropriate starting point for creating this particular report in JRS. Would you be able to help or perhaps point me to a resource that could help in this much simpler preferred approach? It would greatly simplify my task, any help would be appreciated.

As I am looking now, there is no data choice currently for me that will allow the attribute columns I would need, relative to test script step result. The closest I could get is test script and even then there is no step related information to display.

Kumaraswamy Gowda commented Aug 01 '18, 12:00 p.m.

My knowledge on JRS is limited. BTW, the workshop link I shared above is good for JRS learning.

If you believe that some of the details are missing in JRS, start iterative template design using RPE.

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