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RPE sample template does not report on all test cases for a test plan

Timothy Distel (73356) | asked Feb 21 '19, 10:58 a.m.
edited Feb 21 '19, 11:01 a.m.
Hello, I am using CLM suite 6.0.6.

I am taking the sample template QM_TestPlanWithTestCases.dta, and applying it to our production environment (not the JKE Banking sample). I was able to pull test case and test script information for a particular test plan however, it doesn't seem to be complete. For example, the test plan I specified has 24 test cases but the document generated only pulled/displayed the details for 10. The only data I've changed in the template is setting values for the variables and data sources to apply to my environment. 

I know that there is a default display of 10 when querying test cases within the RQM web UI, unfortunately I don't think that applies here. I assume either the amount of test cases displayed is configurable, or the scope for what test cases I'd like information on is improperly set. Is this configurable within the structure of this sample template, have I improperly set my scope, or am I experiencing an error for not pulling/displaying all test cases in this situation?

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Feb 21 '19, 11:49 a.m.
edited Feb 21 '19, 11:49 a.m.

You need not worry about pagination as RPE will automatically take care of it. Are you clicking "Preview Document" (for which result limit is 10 by default) instead of "Generate Document" by any chance?

Timothy Distel selected this answer as the correct answer

Timothy Distel commented Feb 21 '19, 2:23 p.m.

 Its times like these I wish I could delete a question. Up to this point I hadn't run a full fledged report, only tested small amounts of data processing (below the default limit of 10). Thank you for the prompt response.

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