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Permission denied soemtimes when accessing ActiveServiceInfo web page

This is a followup to https://jazz.net/forum/questions/252511/any-api-avaialbe-for-accessing-comibmteamrepositoryadminactiveservices
I figured out that from that post the url https://server/ccm/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.IServerStatusRestService/ActiveServiceInfo can provide the detail in XML format.
This is great while,
1. The above URL sometimes works in Internet Explorer.
2. Never works in Firefox and always throws "Permission Denied
I have JazzAdmin privileges. What other permissions are needed to access this url?Your account does not have the group memberships required to access the requested resource."
We are on CLM 6.0.5 iFix 004.
Thank you.
One answer

The URL works only when i pass the "Referer" in Header. Any idea why this is the case?

I was only able to find this: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/105592/disabling-http-referer-header-breaks-rqm-web-interface

Thanks, Ralph