Any API avaialbe for accessing
Accepted answer
I use Perl and LWP::UserAgent to good effect here.
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use Time::HiRes;
if ( scalar(@ARGV) != 1 ) {
print "Usage: $0 JazzURI, JazzUser, JazzPass\n";
exit -1;
my ($JazzURI) = @ARGV;
my($JazzPass) = "passw0rd";
my $Browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$Browser->cookie_jar({ file => "$ENV{HOME}/.kcookies.txt" });
$Browser->default_header('Accept' => "text/json");
push @{ $Browser->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
# Test the connection to CLM
my ( $BeginTime ) = Time::HiRes::time();
$Response = $Browser->post( $JazzURI );
my ( $EndTime ) = Time::HiRes::time();
if ( ! $Response->is_success ) {
; chomp($date);
print "$date|Connecting to $JazzURI FAILED!\n";
exit -1;
} else {
# my($printString) = sprintf("%s%.2f%s", "Connection to $JazzURI completed in ", $EndTime - $BeginTime, " Seconds.\n");
# print $printString;
# Test the Authetication to CLM
my ( $BeginTime ) = Time::HiRes::time();
$Response = $Browser->post( $JazzURI . "/j_security_check", [ j_username => $JazzUser, j_password => $JazzPass ], );
my ( $EndTime ) = Time::HiRes::time();
if ( $Response->{"headers"}{"x-com-ibm-team-repository-web-auth-msg"} eq "authfailed" ) {
print "Authenticating to $JazzURI FAILED!\n";
exit -1;
} else {
# print Dumper($Response);
#my($printString) = sprintf("%s%.2f%s%s", "Authentication to $JazzURI completed in ", $EndTime - $BeginTime, " Seconds.\n",$jsess);
#print STDERR $printString;
# Test the Database connection status to CLM
my ( $BeginTime ) = Time::HiRes::time();
$Response = $Browser->get( $JazzURI . "/service/");
my ( $EndTime ) = Time::HiRes::time();
my($json) = new JSON;
my($jsonResponse) = $json->decode($Response->content);
# print Dumper($jsonResponse);
# print $json->pretty->encode($jsonResponse);
if ( !exists( $jsonResponse->{"soapenv:Body"}{response}{returnValue}{value}{currentTime} )) {
exit -1;
} else {
$ct = scalar localtime($current_time);
for ($i=0; exists($services->[$i]); $i++) {
$st = scalar localtime ($start_time);
$et = int($current_time - $start_time);
print "$ct|$services->[$i]{service}|$services->[$i]{userId}|$services->[$i]{method}|$st|$et\n";
#if ($services->[$i]{method} =~ m/postRenderReport/) {
# print $services->[$i]{stacktrace};
# my($printString) = sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n",$url,$sversion,$ut,$tm,$fm,$mm,$db);
# print $printString;
exit 0;
sub get_cookie {
my ($name,$cookies)=@;
@cookees=split /\;/,$cookies;
@which=grep (/$name/,@cookees);
# print join "\n",@which;
($ckey,$cval) = split /=/,$which[0];
This writes out delimitted data to standard out. Hand the program the uri of the server
Thank you, Kevin. The script doesn't work for me as it throws this
<noscript><div id="net-jazz-ajax-NoScriptMessage">Javascript is either disabled or not available in your Browser</div></noscript>
I accept this solution as this seems the only way.
Did you update the values for $JazzUser, $JazzPass ? Beyond that how did you execute ? The 1 argument should be "valid" public url for the target Jazz application.
I've used the above from v3 through 6.0.3 with good success.
Maybe the LWP::UserAgent has some settings to help ( perldoc LWP::UserAgent )
I did update the user name, password and valid URI for sure :). The moment it hits the url, in my case https://clm-server/
I get the not authentication error.
I did tried to print the response and i get this
<noscript><div id="net-jazz-ajax-NoScriptMessage">Javascript is either disabled or not available in your Browser</div></noscript>
I even suppressed the SSL certificate in my case
my $Browser = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 },);
Interestingly enough it doesn't drop the cookie, meaning the file isn't created. The path is valid and has permissions to create.
turned out that I need to pass the Referer in HEADER for te script to work. I created my own Python script with the url you have mentioned. Thanks for this.