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what is the importance of tables in "USERSPACE1" tablespace of CLM application databases? Can they be removed?

Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | asked Feb 29 '16, 1:02 p.m.
What is the importance of the tables created in tablespace "USERSPACE1" in DB2 dB tables for CLM applications?

* Can they be removed?
* A quick test disabling database user access to this tablespace has no negetive impact on RQM application?
Does it mean the application has no issues with this tablespace & tables removed/ deleted?
* What is the use of the tables under "USERSPACE1" tablespace?

Best Regards

-------------------------------------- database tablespace / tables ---------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------- database tablespace / tables ---------------------------------------------------

Donald Nong commented Feb 29 '16, 6:32 p.m.

These tables exist since the RTC 1.0 days.

As the names suggests, they are for "deadlocks", although I don't know the details of how they are used.

One answer

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Feb 29 '16, 3:41 p.m.
I would not place a big concern on tables in this tablespace in the context of CLM applications.  All other tables are created in other tablespaces and the size of userspace1 containers is likely miniscule relative to the CONTENTTS.

e.g. on an almost tera-byte size CCM database USERSPACE is using

 Tablespace ID                        = 2
 Name                                 = USERSPACE1
 Type                                 = Database managed space
 Contents                             = All permanent data. Large table space.
 State                                = 0x0000
   Detailed explanation:
 Total pages                          = 1024
 Useable pages                        = 992
 Used pages                           = 544
 Free pages                           = 448
 High water mark (pages)              = 608
 Page size (bytes)                    = 32768

Which is ~17Mb ( 544 * 32768 )

You can get the information above for your database using:

db2 connect to db
db2 list tablespaces show detail

My recommendation:  do nothing.

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