Large module fails to load when using Internet-Explorer
I am running a project using the DNG, it has ~45 modules, most of them are quite small, between 100 and 200 artifacts each. I generated a new module, exceptionally heavy, containing 5700 artifacts.
While using the Internet-Explorer ver. 11.0.9600 it fails to load this module (the other modules are still loaded as usual). While using the CHROME for this action it has no problem.
Has anybody faced this problem?
One answer
Which DNG version and what error do you get? How much RAM does your laptop/desktop have?
We recommend our teams not to use IE because it is typically slower than Chrome/Firefox - you are probably getting a timeout error showing in IE as 5700 artifacts in one module is big for DOORS NG to handle.
Generically you'll probably need to talk to IBM about your server configuration if this is a typical project for your organization and you keep getting these performance issues..
Carol Watson
May 31 '18, 12:12 p.m.We also experienced problems with IE (V11.0.9600 also) and have advised our users to use Chrome. We're on 6.0.3 IFIX010. I tried IE after the application of the IFIX and load time was improved, but Chrome is still substantially better.