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RRDI widget does not show any data it remain display "Loading, please wait..."

Sajjad Ali Khan (314152) | asked Oct 07 '16, 7:36 a.m.
edited Oct 10 '16, 6:04 a.m. by Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114)
I have configured RRDI with CLM 5.0.2, after building report in JRS report studio i have save it to publish catalog.(Note that the JRS interface i am able to see data from the build report)
then in RTC dashboard i save the same RRDI report as a widget.
Now the problem start, after binding it to dashboard RRDI widget does not show any data it remain display "Loading, please wait..."Please assist me resolve this issue

2 answers

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Tojan John (1172882) | answered Nov 01 '16, 5:46 a.m.
Have you applied any iFix? I am also facing same issue with "Use" option in JRS. Not sure the reason, as we have made couple of changes like applied iFix018 from iFix013 and changed query limit.

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Ajan Kanagaratnam (211) | answered May 11 '17, 7:47 a.m.

We are facing the same issue with the same configuration (CLM 5.0.2 and JRS 5.0.2). 

Any solutions ? 

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