DOORS Next Generation ReqIF download button is disabled
I am running DOORS Next Generation 6.0.3.
There is a module with 15000+ artifacts.
A ReqIF definition is created and exported with all 15000+ artifacts.
At the end of the export, the download button is disabled and there is no error message.
This only happens to this large module and all other smaller modules (with 2000 or less artifacts) do not have this issue.
Accepted answer
This issue looks like related to the large number of artifacts in the module but it is not.
The most probable cause is "discrepancy in the type system for some artifacts has prevented ReqIF generation from completion".
Please open a PMR with IBM Support.
IBM Support will provide you with a tool called TypeSystemValidator to diagnose/validate the type system.
Once confirmed it is the cause, you will be instructed to run the tool in repair mode.