Is there any widget in ccm in which i can add 2 attributes or i can see the result on the basis of two attributes
One answer
Hi Gagan,
You have a good question. This thread may be helpful.
It's possible to use JRS to report on calculated field.
You can then install the JRS report in your dashboard.
I'm sure that there may be more elegant and simple ways, but this is one way that I know of.
Have a great day.
I could be wrong though. I just realized that you wanted the sum of two fields. Perhaps another user can offer a better solution..
Hi Gagan,
6.0.3 does not support custom expression. The only way I think of an work-around is to export the JRS report to an Excel spreadsheet either as a static or dynamically refreshable Excel worksheet. You can then add the two attributes.
6.0.4 does support custom expression. Perhaps you can consult this note:
Have a good day.
I hope that I am wrong. I played with 6.0.5 a little bit. It seems that a custom expression can involve only one attribute.
So perhaps the best answer will come from someone who has experience with SQL and use the Advanced section of the Report Builder to do something like this.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 18 '17, 2:22 p.m.You will need to be much clearer or more explicit in your question.
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