LDAP integration on Jazz Authorization server - Liberty
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to install RDNG with Jazz authorization server which works on local registry at the moment, but not on LDAP.
It says config files are not found and they get created. The files are there under jazzop server, but start up script is looking directly under servers folder. Even I copied config files to servers folder, but it still doesn't work. can someone advise why the start up is taking config from another directory?
[root@lexbz3108 ~]# ls -l /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5552 Nov 9 04:35 /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/appConfig.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1054 Nov 9 03:54 /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/ldapUserRegistry.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1297 Nov 8 07:48 /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/localUserRegistry.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1453 Nov 9 04:18 /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/server.xml
[root@lexbz3108 ~]# /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/stop-jazz
Server appConfig.xml does not exist.
Stopping server jazzop.
Server jazzop stopped.
Server ldapUserRegistry.xml does not exist.
Server ldapUserRegistry.xml_orig does not exist.
[root@lexbz3108 ~]# /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/start-jazz
Creating the /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/appConfig.xml/ configuration file - customize as needed
cp: cannot stat /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/appConfig.xml/defaults/*': Not a directory
Server appConfig.xml does not exist.
Starting server jazzop.
Server jazzop started with process ID 13013.
Creating the /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/ldapUserRegistry.xml/* configuration file - customize as needed
cp: cannot stat
/opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/ldapUserRegistry.xml/defaults/': Not a directory
Server ldapUserRegistry.xml does not exist.
Creating the /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/ldapUserRegistry.xml_orig/ configuration file - customize as needed
cp: cannot stat /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/ldapUserRegistry.xml_orig/defaults/*': Not a directory
Server ldapUserRegistry.xml_orig does not exist.
Creating the /opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/localUserRegistry.xml/* configuration file - customize as needed
cp: cannot stat
/opt/IBM/JazzAuthServer/wlp/usr/servers/localUserRegistry.xml/defaults/*': Not a directory
Server localUserRegistry.xml does not exist.
One answer
Hi Binoy
Thanks Shubjit. I have followed the link and files are copied from default and modified accordingly.
Meanwhile, is it necessary to have Jazz Authorization server if we're using an LDAP server of our own? We have configured the LDAP server on WAS full profile where JTS is running. Can we use same server for authentication and remove Jazz authentication server altogether?
Hi Binoy