Drop and recrate DCC Database
Accepted answer
Hello, should be no problems with deleting and creating a new DCC database. Just make sure the database is named the same or you will have to edit your teamserver.properties file for DCC.
We recently upgraded from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3 and had issues running the repotool -addtables for DCC. IBM support suggested we delete the database, create a new one from scratch, and instead of running the upgrade script, we ran the create tables script via JTS setup.
The only things stored in the DCC database are configuration settings. So if you had schedules set to run your DCC jobs at certain time, you will need to set up those schedules again. Additionally, while it won't neccessarily corrupt your RS reports, we had to edit them and run the queries again in order for them to work correctly. Not a big deal as we only had about 20 JRS reports.
This seems like easy work. Unfortunately, we have several hundred reports created over the span of 3 years. Editing each one of them will be crazy work.