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Jazz Authorization Server as a Windows service?

Dieter Paul (10311620) | asked May 27 '15, 5:17 a.m.
We are just trying out the new Jazz Authorization Server (6.0 RC1).

Installation with IM worked without any problem but we are wondering if there is the possibility to run it as a Windows service.

We also didn't found anything about Liberty Profile as a Windows service

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Celso Gonzalez (511) | answered Jun 03 '15, 8:58 p.m.
There is no solution currently supported by IBM, but the procedure described in the following page about running Liberty as a windows service using the Apache Commons Daemon  should work:

Note that the command to run the Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) as a service is slightly different than the one shown in the link above (JAS has a jazz specific wrapper to the Liberty start up/shutdown scripts).

The command would look like this:
prunsrv //IS//WLP --Startup=manual --DisplayName="IBM Jazz Authorization Server" --Description="IBM Jazz Authorization Server based on WebSphere Liberty Profile" ++DependsOn=Tcpip  -LogPath=C:\JAS\wlp\usr\servers\jazzop\logs --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=exe --StartPath=C:\JAS\wlp --StartImage=C:\JAS\start-jazz.bat --StopMode=exe --StopPath=C:\JAS\wlp --StopImage=C:\JAS\stop-jazz.bat

Where C:\JAS is the Jazz Authorization Server installation directory.

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