Jazz Authorization Server as a Windows service?
Accepted answer
There is no solution currently supported by IBM, but the procedure described in the following page about running Liberty as a windows service using the Apache Commons Daemon should work:
Note that the command to run the Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) as a service is slightly different than the one shown in the link above (JAS has a jazz specific wrapper to the Liberty start up/shutdown scripts).
The command would look like this:
prunsrv //IS//WLP --Startup=manual --DisplayName="IBM Jazz Authorization Server" --Description="IBM Jazz Authorization Server based on WebSphere Liberty Profile" ++DependsOn=Tcpip -LogPath=C:\JAS\wlp\usr\servers\jazzop\logs --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=exe --StartPath=C:\JAS\wlp --StartImage=C:\JAS\start-jazz.bat --StopMode=exe --StopPath=C:\JAS\wlp --StopImage=C:\JAS\stop-jazz.bat
Where C:\JAS is the Jazz Authorization Server installation directory.
Note that the command to run the Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) as a service is slightly different than the one shown in the link above (JAS has a jazz specific wrapper to the Liberty start up/shutdown scripts).
The command would look like this:
prunsrv //IS//WLP --Startup=manual --DisplayName="IBM Jazz Authorization Server" --Description="IBM Jazz Authorization Server based on WebSphere Liberty Profile" ++DependsOn=Tcpip -LogPath=C:\JAS\wlp\usr\servers\jazzop\logs --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=exe --StartPath=C:\JAS\wlp --StartImage=C:\JAS\start-jazz.bat --StopMode=exe --StopPath=C:\JAS\wlp --StopImage=C:\JAS\stop-jazz.bat
Where C:\JAS is the Jazz Authorization Server installation directory.